how to choose a VGA (Video Graphic Adapter)

Posted by Generation Of Technology on Monday, November 28, 2011

Ok on this post i will share a tips computer how to choose a VGA ( Video Graphic Adapter) if you like, please your reading below :

A video card is that device ( a loaded circuit board ) that determines the screen output or video display of the computer. It is also known as the graphics card, graphics adapter, display adapter or video adapter

The video card is either installed directly on the mother board or in an expansion slot. The intended use determines which type to use. 

What To Check For When Choosing A Video Card

1. Determine how the computer will be used. Is it for computer games or just for ordinary encoding? 

There are different types of video cards for different uses. 

2. RAM is resolution required to meet the video output needed.

The memory of a video card is very important for speed because it holds the common operands for the images. Since the video card can access its own memory faster than that of the mother board, the images are displayed faster. 

3.Mother board and Video card format compatibility.

A mother board doesn't support all kinds of video cards. Some mother boards only have the GPUs or graphics processing units which maybe adequate for an average business or home use but not applicable where more graphics capabilities are needed. A GPU is a video card's own processing unit. 

Mother boards may have the following expansion slots: AGP slots, standard PCI slots, 1xPCI EXpress slots, 16xPCI Express slots. Make sure the video card and the slot where it will be installed are compatible 

The 16XPCI Express slot has compatibility with the most video cards, so it is advisable to buy this card for a new computer. The next newest slot is the AGP slot which came before 16xPCIExpress. 

The least recommended slot is the PCI slot because there are only a few video cards compatible with it and most of them are the slow , expensive type. 

4. TV output capability

Not all video cards have this capability. Be sure to check this out. 

5. The fan on the video card must be working to prevent over heating of parts which slows down its performance. 

6. Price- how much can you afford to pay? 

The compatibility of components determine how the equipment functions. In the case of video cards, there is more need to check for compatibility due to the various models developed to meet various needs.

Incompatibility is expensive, for how will you install a video if it doesn't fit in the expansion slot?

thank for reading my article how to choose VGA (Video Graphic Adapter).
More abouthow to choose a VGA (Video Graphic Adapter)

how to get a virus Computer

Posted by Generation Of Technology

hello bloggers, on this time i will post a how to get a virus computer and I will explain about step by step ok please reading below :

A computer virus could be the end of a wonderful day when in the middle of a computer application, a virus starts eating up your files. Or you slaved all week for a report and when you try to open the file, you can't find it anywhere. In cases like these, what do you do? 

The first thing to do is to unplug the modem wires and don't connect to another computer. Just re-plug everything once the virus has been eliminated. Second, look for a virus-scan software in your computer and install updates via the internet. Once installed, you can run the software. If the software can't remove the virus, there is a possibility that it can identify it.

Third, browse the Web for any data about the virus affecting your computer. Just type the name of your virus like Trojan Virus. If the Web gives you specific instructions in getting rid of the virus, follow these instructions carefully. Or you may try downloading and installing programs from the Web that can get rid of the virus. Lastly, you may run another virus scan to see if the virus was totally eliminated.

There are other things you should know about these viruses and what to do as First Aid. To avoid spreading the virus to people in your contact list, find out if the virus is spread through e-mail. If it is, contact these people and tell them to avoid opening attachments and messages from your email address temporarily until the virus has been dealt with. 

To find out, open your address book and a new contact which is a phony address. You may try !000 because this is the very first address that will register in your address book and the first address where the virus will send itself. Right there, it will stop sending itself because of the phony address. The best thing to do is to get specific online procedure to get rid of the virus.

If your computer contains many sensitive and personal files that practically mean your life, it would probably be good if you invest in software that virtually removes all kinds of viruses. Because even reformatting can't get rid of all types of virus, it is very important that you get one of these software's.

Knowing these things about computer viruses is imperative. At least, when you encounter one, you will know what to do. Invest in a good virus-scan software that could take care of all sorts of virus. Or you could download good virus scans from the Web anytime for free.

thank you for reading my article how to get a virus computer
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Steps in Getting Free Laptop

Posted by Generation Of Technology on Friday, November 25, 2011

Desktop and laptop computers are essential tools in today’s generation of professionals, businessmen and students. But since professionals and businessmen can probably afford to buy their own laptop computers, it’s the students who are struggling with the price tags that are attached to these electronic devices. With that said, college students and parents of high school teens are the ones who are desperately trying to figure out how to get Free Laptop, or at least get one for half the original price. With the various demands associated with college education, it’s not surprising that a lot of students simply cannot afford to purchase a decent laptop computer.

When websites first started offering free laptops to lucky individuals, no one wanted to believe that it was actually possible to get a brand new laptop for free. With the prevalence of online scams and false advertising, you can’t really blame them for not falling into such outrageous ideas.

But once some of them understood the facts, more and more eager individuals began to realize the possibility that these kinds of offers can actually be their ticket to getting a brand new laptop for free. The only question left to be answered now is how to get free laptop without becoming a victim of scams and shady deals. And the best way to do it is to win it from online contests and raffles. By joining, your dreams of getting a laptop for free can possibly become a reality. And with the considerable number of contests in the Internet, it shouldn’t be difficult to find one with a brand new laptop as one of the prices.

The best way to increase your chances of winning a laptop computer is by participating in as many online contests and raffles as you possibly can. You may also want to create a separate email address for the contests you are interested in, so you will have some sort of hub for all the emails you will be getting from the website contests that you are in. Just be careful not to provide any personal data like your social security number when you are registering in these contests. Legit websites do not ask for these types of information. Usually, all they need is your name, home or office address, contact number and your email address.

Another doable method that will significantly increase your chances of getting a free laptop is to perform a laptop test for computer companies. These days, computer companies save on expenses by outsourcing their product testing department. So instead of hiring professional product testers, companies will call on you to test their products in exchange for a brand new laptop. If you consider the current status of the economy, you will realize that this offer is actually plausible.

Performing a laptop test isn’t really as hard as it may sound. Even if you only have an average computer literacy level; you can still do this task effortlessly. If you can follow instructions to the T, then this shouldn’t be a problem for you. Once you get the emailed instructions, you can begin the laptop testing. When it is over, you will then be asked to fill out a form that will contain a few questions about the product that you just tested. This is actually what the company is after, your personal assessment of the product. As you can see, the only thing you need to spend is a few minutes of your time. And for that, a brand new laptop computer is yours for the taking.
More aboutSteps in Getting Free Laptop

Recovery windows 7

Posted by Generation Of Technology

You must own some computer enabled device to carry out a lot of your responsibilities. Computer has two major parts, software and hardware. Operating system produces coordination between software and hardware. There are two major operating system providers, Microsoft and Apple. Microsoft introduced GUI, which is an abbreviation of graphical user interface in 1995. Since that, multiple operating systems have been introduced. Microsoft introduced Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Windows got popularity due to its light size and decent graphical user interface. People like to prefer windows 7 over multiple other available options. 

Sometime you shut down your computer properly, but do not get it OK at the time of the boot process. You may find your computer to be a victim of boot failure. You will not like to lose your operating system, as you might have purchased multiple applications for your personal or business use. You will not like to reinstall your operating system, as it may lead to lose of multiple useful applications. You may also lose your precious images, pictures, wallpapers, videos, songs, movies and precious information, if you go for reinstalling your operating system. Reinstallation of the operating system may lead to lose of many precious applications and critical information as well. People like to store their data on desktop, which will be gone if 

you go for reinstalling the windows. 
How to recover Windows7 and get rid of boot failure? 
You can recover windows 7 with a Windows 7 repair disk or cd, and you will like to do so; as reinstallation costs you in terms of data and information lose. People will like to recover their operating system instead of reinstalling it. There are multiple organizations and applications, which claim to recover your operating system; you should make choose an application wisely. A bad choice of windows recovering application may lead you to lose of your data and information. Wondershare Windows 7 Recovery CD is an authentic and reliable source of recovering your operating system. It presents a tool kit for you to recover your operating system. The application will provide multiple applications. It also provides applications to recover your lost, formatted and deleted data. You will make a choice, which will be completed by the application. 

The application is easy to use, as it provides a friendly and easy to use graphical user interface. You will be provided with multiple choices, once you will click the desired option; the application will complete rest of the job without bothering you. You will not need to go for some technical assistant for completing the job. If you want to recover your window7, just click over the windows recovery. The application will take all the rest of responsibilities at its own shoulders. It is a quick, reliable and fast application, which will complete the job without letting you consult or read some technical tutorial to complete the job.

thanks for read my article n dont forget to comment
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text animation

Posted by Generation Of Technology

hello bloggers on my post this time, I will share knowledge on how to create animated textand precisely that is make the text animations with fluorescent lightok if you are a blogger friend who wanted to give the feel of your blog or Web animation then my post on how to create text animation is very useful for you.

text animation is very good for you apply in your blog or site for how to create textanimation is very easy to do even a beginner who wants to give animated text into your blog or web

ok please continue reading if you want to learn how to create animated text:

I give an illustration suppose you want to create text animations in blogger or blogspot.please login first keblog youYou can also click here to go to blogger or blogspotif youhave entered please you choose the design -> add gadget and then copy and paste thecode below the text animation.

<h2><script language="JavaScript1.2">

//Neon Lights Text II by G.P.F. (
//Visit for this script

var message="Sharing Information and Knowledge in All Things"
var neonbasecolor="blue"
var neontextcolor="green"
var neontextcolor2="#FFFFA8"
var flashspeed=100 // speed of flashing in milliseconds
var flashingletters=3 // number of letters flashing in neontextcolor
var flashingletters2=1 // number of letters flashing in neontextcolor2 (0 to disable)
var flashpause=0 // the pause between flash-cycles in milliseconds

///No need to edit below this line/////
var n=0
if (document.all||document.getElementById){
document.write('<font color="'+neonbasecolor+'">')
for (m=0;m<message.length;m++)
document.write('<span id="neonlight'+m+'">'+message.charAt(m)+'</span>')
function crossref(number){
var crossobj=document.all? eval("document.all.neonlight"+number) : document.getElementById("neonlight"+number)
return crossobj

function neon(){
//Change all letters to base color
if (n==0){
for (m=0;m<message.length;m++)
//cycle through and change individual letters to neon color
if (n>flashingletters-1) crossref(n-flashingletters).style.color=neontextcolor2
if (n>(flashingletters+flashingletters2)-1) crossref(n-flashingletters-flashingletters2).style.color=neonbasecolor
if (n<message.length-1)
function beginneon(){
if (document.all||document.getElementById)

Replace the text "Information and Knowledge Sharing in All Things" with the text you want displayed
In neonbasecolor var = "blue" can replace the gray with other colors
In neontextcolor var = "green" can replace yellow with other colors
In neontextcolor2 var = "# FFFFA8" can replace # FFFFA8 with other colors
In flashspeed var = 100 can replace 100 with the desired speed

thank you for reading this blog article is how to create animated text and do not forget yourcomment or share to your friendsgreetings

More abouttext animation

Free backlink

Posted by Generation Of Technology on Wednesday, November 23, 2011

hello bloggers, at the meeting of time I give an article of free backlinks. for those of youwho really like blogging and you know exactly what it is blogging or you're a beginner in the blogging world would really need backlinks to your blog.

for you are a beginner in the world of blogging I will explain what a backlink, backlinks are the sort of link back to our blog that we put a link on a website or a particular blog then there are people that go in your blog or website, and the like that are called backlinks.

and in my article this time is free backlink, I'll share a number of sites offering backlinks to our blog, and the site already has a pagerank, it can increase traffic to our blog and then blog or site visitors busy.

Please click this link to see a site that provides free backlinks
click here

thank you for reading my article is free backlink and do not forget to comment
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